Tuesday 22 September 2015

A Paradoxical Paradox

What’s life without incompatible realities?

Friendship should be something, which is a two-way, with equal exchange of energies, bidirectional. Ironically, sometimes friends are being treated as Strangers and vice versa.

“I have always depended on stranger’s kindness. This 'foolish' kindness, the dopey kindness, is what the most truly 'human' in a human being. But I’m so sick of being treated as one, a stranger, by someone, who is never a stranger to me” 
     - This is the first paradox.

 “You know wat, I’m too busy holding on to my unworthiness and that’s my problem. And I think I’m not wrong, at least theoretically, in holding so, coz even Hitler had a girlfriend..!!! Time, the right time, which may be some thousand moments away from the present, speaks, whether it’s gonna work out practically or not. But every moment is a paradox of now or never”
     - Ufffff..!!! This is the second paradox.

But two paradoxes are better than one coz they may even suggest a solution, in fact, they did suggest me a solution – to accept myself just as I amand yell out loudly I know what I am more than anyone else.

“Lately, I realised that there will always be someone who knows more about U than what U know yourself. The more You think U know, the more sure U know so little” 
     - The perpetual and eternal paradox.

Now, this odd and third paradox again created a problem, as there is no fourth paradox to nullify it. I don’t wanna waste my time hanging on to all these complexities as it is not my core priority as of now. But still I do keep hanging on… n that’s d main problem.

Again, no worries there..!!! The World is a contradiction; the Universe, a paradox, the fourth paradox.

Ultimately, it’s weird not to be weird. 
Be weird. Be YouBE’lieve in ‘YOU’rself.

That’s Be-You-tiful..!!!

Do not quit. Once U learn to quit, it becomes a habit. 
Remember, U are never too old to be young..!!!

The last sentence is sooooooooooo true..!!!

Dedicating this article to my ‘Stranger Friend’

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