Sunday 20 September 2015

Suggestions to Group of Ministers on the bifurcation of the state of Andhra Pradesh and formation of a new state of TELANGANA

My Request to Govt. of India on behalf of the people of Telangana


Very excited about my first post, but the question is which one should be the first.

You know, often, the hardest decisions to make are the ones that we have already decided. Yes, I have decided to choose this article, long since, as a testimony of my love towards the mother land.

The article is a ‘mail’ written by me, to the GOM, constituted in Nov 2013, to look into various issues pertinent to the process of Bifurcation of AP. The mail includes a set of questions asked by the Govt of India, through a notification, and the answers, in my style. The views expressed……. Do I need to run a disclaimer?

Any wayzzz, the views expressed here are completely personal, with few facts borrowed from various sources of cyberspace. The idea was only to expose the injustices and prejudices towards Telangana and thereby explain the inevitability of creation of separate State of Telangana; it was not my intent to hurt the sentiments of any region.

Here goessssssssssssss..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sent to GOI in Dec, 2013


Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Constitution of a Group of Ministers (GoM) for the bifurcation of the State of Andhra Pradesh and formation of a new State of Telangana.

On Behalf of the people of Telangana


1.   Determine the boundaries of the new State of Telangana and the residuary State of Andhra Pradesh with reference to the electoral constituencies, judicial and statutory bodies, and other administrative units.
       The present day area of Telangana region (which include the districts of Adilabad, Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Medak, Warangal, Rangareddy, Nalgonda, Khammam, Mahboobnagar and Hyderabad) shall be the area under the new State of Telangana, the rest (districts of erstwhile Andhra Province before 01 Nov 1956) shall be the area under residuary State of Andhra Pradesh.
Bhadrachalam Taluka (except the temple area) and Nuguru Venkatapuram Taluka of East Godavari district and Aswaraopeta mandal of West Godavari district were merged into Khammam’s Bhadrachalam Revenue Division in 1959. Parts of Munagala Taluka and some revenue villages in Huzurnagar area of Nalgonda district, before 1956 were part of Krishna District. The people of these areas (areas of erstwhile Andhra Province made part of Telangana region), during their long course of time, adapted themselves to accommodate the traditions of Telangana region, adopting them as one’s own. The people may not be free from discrimination and prejudices if these areas were merged back into AP as most of them, predominantly tribal habituations will be the submerging areas under the drainage of Polavaram project. Hence the issue shall be crystallised through public mandate (either plebiscite or referendum) and safeguarding the Tribal Rights.
All the judicial bodies, statutory bodies and administrative units falling within the State territories shall belong to that State; nevertheless, if necessary, they can be made to function either as common bodies or as units with two different branches (especially the units those in Hyderabad), until the State without such functionary unit has created its own. For e.g. High Court at Hyderabad can function as common judicature for both the States until a new High Court for AP is created.

2.  Look into the legal and administrative measures required to ensure that both the State Governments can function efficiently from Hyderabad as the common capital for 10 years.
Government Administration of Seemandhra (AP) should function only from selected areas of Hyderabad, in a separate Secretariat and Assembly, to ensure smooth functioning and to avoid any kind of tussle with the Telangana Government. Police required for Seemandhra administration should be deployed from its Police machinery and not from Hyderabad (Telangana Police machinery) as Law & Order is a State subject.
As mentioned above, the administrative units operating from Hyderabad can be made to function either as common units or as units with two branches until a new functionary unit has been created for the residuary State of AP. For e.g. High Court at Hyderabad can function as common judicature for both the States until a new High Court for AP is created; Secretariat should be divided into two after the division and distribution of records and files among the respective States
A separate High Court should be established in Seemandhra as soon as possible after the bifurcation of State.
It is not to be taken for granted by the residuary State of AP that Hyderabad shall be the common capital for 10 years, as 10 years is the maximum period for Hyderabad to act as a temporary capital of AP; the administrative units of AP needs to be shifted to its new capital as and when a new administrative block is constructed and the whole administration needs to be shifted as soon as possible (maybe within the time period of 2-5 years) to avoid inculcation of any behavioural or regional differences.

3.   Take into account the legal, financial and administrative measures that may be required for transition to a new capital of the residuary State of Andhra Pradesh.
Matters relating to the financial assistance for the building of new capital city must be specified in a detailed manner in the Reorganisation Bill, to ensure legal sanctity once the Bill is passed and Law is enacted.
Union Government, if necessary, may aid and assist the residuary State of AP in building its new capital and address its financial deficits (during its early phase) through the allocation of financial and special grants in Union Govt. Budget for AP; and may also advice in terms of administrative measures.
Union Govt. should also assist in smooth division of administrative records, employees and All India Services among the States.

4.  Look into the special needs of the backward regions and districts of both the States and recommend measures.
Seemandhra has many well-off cities and towns like Vishakapatnam, Vijayawada, Guntur, Rajahmundry, Kakinada, Kurnool, Tirupathi, Nellore etc. whereas the development is concentrated and saturated only in and around Hyderabad in Telangana.
Telangana was well-off region in terms of Trade and Commerce, Industries etc., vis-à-vis Seemandhra before 1956, whereas today, Telangana has a high degree of regional imbalance in terms of Social and Infrastructure development vis-à-vis Seemandhra region and is one of the most backward regions in the country. This consequence explains the facts:
·     How Telangana was deprived of development in spite of establishing a Regional Development Board, promises made through Gentlemen’s Agreement during the merger, 6 point formula etc.,
·     How its natural resources were exploited
·     How its Lands were sold and funds were misappropriated to Seemandhra region instead of spending them in Telangana region according to a proviso mentioned in the Gentleman’s Agreement.
Hence, the city of Hyderabad should be an integral part of Telangana State without a second thought of making it a Union Territory and Hyderabad revenue should be solely utilised by the State of Telangana. Besides, the Government of India should announce a sufficient package for the development of backward areas of Telangana State.
Also the Government of India had identified 250 districts across the country on the basis of low Human Development Index, poor infrastructure facilities, high concentration of rain fed farm lands etc. for implementation of the Backward Regions Grant Fund scheme. Thirteen districts (Adilabad, Karimnagar, Khammam, Medak, Warangal, Nizamabad, Nalgonda, Mahbubnagar, Ranga Reddy, Anantapur, Chittoor, Cuddapah and Vizianagaram) have been selected for implementation of the scheme in Andhra Pradesh (undivided). All the 9 districts in Telangana except Hyderabad are included in the list. Thus for every rupee granted by the Union to the undivided State on the ground of backwardness, 69.23 paisa should be allotted for the State of Telangana. In other words, for every 1 Rupee granted to the residuary State of AP after bifurcation on the ground of backwardness, 2.25 Rupees should be granted to the State of Telangana.

5.     Look into the issues relating to law and order, safety and security of all residents and to ensure peace and harmony in all regions and districts consequent to the formation of the State of Telangana and the residuary State of Andhra Pradesh, and the long term internal security implications arising out of the creation of the two States and making suitable recommendations.
    There is a nonsensical apprehension being circulated about the security of Seemandhra people in Telangana (all districts in general and Hyderabad in particular). Telangana, especially Hyderabad, is the home of people from every corner of India and there is not a single case that had been registered with regard to violence or attack on any person or group in general, and any person or group from Seemandhra in particular, during the course of its struggle for separate statehood for the past 60 years, even at the times when the agitation was at peaks (Jawaharlal Nehru had described Hyderabad State as ‘Mini India’ because of its wide range of linguistic and other diversities and its communal harmony).
The security, if any, may be required for the people of Telangana in Seemandhra and not the other way around. Also GO 610, dated 30-12-1985, orders for the disposal of personnel recruited to various departments against the principle of local cadre by 31-03-1986, but was never implemented. Almost all such illegal employees were from Seemandhra region recruited in Telangana region and the other way around is nearly zero. To avoid any possible discrimination and prejudices of such employees, especially by Police, on the Civilians, the GO has to be implemented immediately to ensure peace and harmony of the region.
Since the bifurcation process was caught in the eyes of International media, there may be the scope for instability in Law & Order during the transition, hence, if necessary, the Law & Order of both regions, especially Hyderabad, should be looked after by the Union Government for a period of utmost one year, until the law and order stabilizes.
Greyhounds has to be divided among the States to check the long term internal security concerns by the respective States. The Department of Home Affairs of both the States can have detailed deliberations on issues case by case.

6.  Look into the sharing of the river water, irrigation resources and other natural resources (especially coal, water, oil and gas) between the two States and also inter-se with other States, including the declaration of Polavaram Irrigation Project as a National Project.
The Bachawat Commission, appointed by the Government of India, gave fixed Telangana's share of 298 TMC out of Andhra Pradesh's share of 811 TMC of Krishna river water.
In the case of Godavari, Bachawat award set aside 1480 TMC for Andhra Pradesh, of which Telangana's share was 900 TMC. Out of the Coastal Andhra share of 580 TMC, the award allocated 260 TMC specifically for the delta. Coastal Andhra got a lion's share, despite the fact that the river flowed only a short distance in that region, in order to safeguard the delta.
Bachawat was very careful about Telangana's share as he knew that it got less than it would have got if it were a separate state or part of Hyderabad state.
He wrote (Volume 2, p.178):
 “The state of Andhra Pradesh, no doubt, has been allocated enough water for historical reasons, but still Telangana part of the state of Andhra Pradesh stands in need of irrigation.
The area which we are considering for irrigation formed part of Hyderabad state, and had there been no division of that state there were better chances for the residents of this area to get irrigation facilities in Mahboobnagar district. We are of the opinion that this area should not be deprived of the benefit of irrigation on account of the reorganisation of states."
Hence, the share of waters for two states has to be re-assessed.
In case of Godavari River water, a large part of Telangana's unutilised share (which was diverted and used in Seemandhra region) fixed by Bachawat can be made available to the State of Telangana for its decades long pending projects. Also Telangana should be given a major share in case of any excess surplus water from Brajesh Misra award as it has greater drainage basin vis-à-vis the same in Seemandhra.
In Telangana regions, only few areas cultivate one crop a year and very rarely two crops a year while most of the land was not even used to cultivate single crop. In both the Godavari districts, Krishna and Guntur district, two crops a year is common and there are times where even 3 crops a year are cultivated. The only reason is WATER.
Every year 1700 TMC of water is wasted and is flown into Bay of Bengal from river Godavari. Starting from Nizamabad to Bay of Bengal there is no project allowed to build on Godavari. If it is built, leaders in Godavari districts fear that the fertile lands in the area may fall short of water. If the Godavari water is utilized properly, there will be no scarcity for food grains in both states.
Coal mines are widely and exclusively spread over four Telangana districts Viz. Adilabad, Karimnagar, Khammam and Warangal, accounting to 20% of country's coal deposits.
Since the Government of Andhra Pradesh hold 51% share in the Singareni coal, it should be handed over to Government of Telangana after formation, which is required for power generation in the proposed new Power Generating Stations in Telangana, since the Telangana region will be facing Power deficit problems after state formation.
Iron Ores in Khammam and Warangal should belong to Telangana State and Iron Ores in Rayalaseema should remain with Seemandhra State.
About 45% of forest area of Andhra Pradesh State is in Telangana. It should belong to the new Telangana State.
Telangana is also rich in limestone deposits that cater to Cement factories.
 It is also rich in Bauxite and Mica. All these should be used by Telangana Government only.
Seemandhra can solely have rights on Oil and Natural gas of their region.
Resettlement & Rehabilitation, safeguarding the Rights of the Tribal people whose habitations will be submerged after the completion of Polavaram project, should be given more priority than declaration of Polavaram Irrigation Project as a National Project.

7.     Look into the issues related to power generation, transmission and distribution between the two States.
      Telangana is having surplus raw materials (coal and water) and low Power generating capacity, whereas Seemandhra is having large power generating capacity but fewer raw materials.
The Seemandhra has to transmit and distribute power to Telangana in exchange of its raw materials, till the installation of proposed Telangana Power Generating Stations.
The Union Govt. should help the State of Telangana in this regard (deficit) and such safeguards and assurance should be sanctioned legally by including a provision in the Reorganisation Bill.

8.  Look into the issues arising on account of distribution of assets, public finance, public corporations and liabilities thereof between the two States.
      Distribution of assets and liabilities should be provided in the Reorganisation Bill. Assets before the merger of Telangana and Andhra should belong to the respective States and assets confined within the boundaries of two states should belong to that State. Since the Government of India had built Andhra Pradesh Bhavan in Delhi, for Andhra Pradesh State, in exchange of its Hyderabad House built by the Seventh Nizam of Princely State of Hyderabad, Mir Osman Ali Khan, it should now belong exclusively to the State of Telangana in the name of Telangana Bhavan.
Liabilities should be divided based on:
a.                  Degree of development of two regions (Telangana & Seemandhra) compared to that of their initial developmental status during the time of merger in 1956
b.                  Total Fiscal Deficit of two regions from 1956 i.e., excess of total expenditure over total revenue generated in the region excluding borrowings
c.                  Borrowings – The region benefitted from the borrowings should bear the repayment liability

9.     Look into the issues relating to the distribution of the employees in the subordinate as well as All India Services between the two States.

Andhra Pradesh Government has included Hyderabad and Secunderabad cities in Zone 7, popularly termed as Free Zone, to benefit the Seemandhra people in Jobs, which actually should be confined only to Zonal 6 people of Telangana region. Similarly, illegal recruitments had been done in Zone 5 of Telangana region.
GO 610, dated 30-12-1985, orders for the disposal of personnel recruited to various departments against the principle of local cadre by 31-03-1986, but was never implemented. Most of such employees of Seemandhra region in Telangana region should be transferred as soon as possible.
A committee needs to be set up immediately to look into the matters relating to the distribution of existing employees and also for the distribution and allocation of new Civil Servants (AIS Officers) to various administrative units of both the States.

10. Look into the issues arising out of the Presidential Order issued under Article 371D of the Constitution Consequent to the bifurcation and examine any other matter that may arise on account of the bifurcation of the State of Andhra Pradesh and make suitable recommendations.
      371D was added to the Indian Constitution only to safegaurd the equality of opportunities of the people of Telangana region in matters of education and public employment through the provision of local cadre (regional reservation) to be filled by the local people, as a consequence of apprehension from the people of Telangana of being exploited by the well-educated people of Seemandhra region. However, for uniformity, the provision was made applicable to the whole State by dividing it into 6 local cadres (Zone I-IV for Seemandhra & Zone V & VI for Telangana).
Hence it is to be understood that the State when viewed externally may be a single entity but the administrative machinery of two regions were almost filled by the locals of the corresponding regions and a very few non-locals (and of course few illegal employees recruited against this provision) which is as good as 2 States enclosed in a capsule working together; the bifurcation only opens up the capsule letting both of them to function independently
There are few suggestions:
1.       It will be futile after the bifurcation and hence may be repealed.
2.       It can be amended and continued to safegaurd the equality of opportunities of different zones or local cadres within the States of Telangana and AP.
3.       It can be split into 371D (a) with Zones 1 to Zones 4 for the State of AP and 371D (b) with Zone 5 and Zone 6 for the State of Telangana.

11.  Special note: -

Is consensus required for bifurcation of AP?
Absolutely not; as there was no consensus even during the merger,
There was no relation between Andhra and Telangana before formation of Andhra Pradesh except the language they speak i.e., Telugu. Andhra leaders brought the point of uniting the Telugu people with the hidden agenda of saving their region from socio-economic imbalances as it was a deficit State, to avail the Surplus of Hyderabad State with a ready-made and full-fledged capital city for their socio-economic development, bringing the KG basin under their control.
Even the Fazl Ali Commission recommended Telangana/Hyderabad to be an independent State with the name “Hyderabad State”
Nehru on March 5th, 1956 about the merger: “It is like a matrimonial alliance having provision of divorce if you wish not to continue with it”. Speaking about divorce even before the marriage shows how weak the willingness and compliance from Telangana people towards merger was.
According to Andhra media, when Andhra agitated for separation from Madras, it was against the domination of Tamil over Telugu and protection of their self-respect and self-dignity but when Telangana agitated for separation from AP for the same reason, it is against National interest

We, the people of Telangana, have 10 concerns and demands (non-exhaustive):
1. We want our WATERS - To set up few projects and lift irrigation techniques for better irrigation facilities. The rivers of Krishna and Godavari flow through Telangana, and the dams are in Telangana, but the canals carrying the water go to Andhra. In the new state, there would be new canals bringing water to the arid regions of Telangana bringing in prosperity to the farmers and local population.
2. We want our COAL - To utilise for the Power generation in proposed new Telangana power generating stations. Right now the coal is mined and electricity is produced in Telangana but most of it is supplied to Andhra region, while districts of Medak and Adilabad have four hours of electricity during the day during summer. In the new state, these districts will be fed with electricity.
3. We want our MINERALS - To set up our own Cement factories using limestone and Iron and Steel industries using our iron resources.
4. We want our JOBS - Telangana State Services should be filled only by local candidates instead of non-locals (100% instead of 85%). Most of the jobs, in government and education, are filled up by people from Andhra. In the new state, these jobs will go the local population.
5. We want our FESTIVALS – Bathukamma, Bonalu and Dasara and many other Telangana festivals are not given State importance like Sankranti.
6. We want our LANGUAGE - Telangana Telugu is almost different from Seemandhra Telugu. Our Telugu is slowly losing its prevalence due to the domination of the latter. We need to protect our Language.
7. We want our TRADITION – Our food styles, dressings styles etc. were entirely different from that of Andhra. As a consequence of merger, Telangana traditions were losing prevalence.
8. We want our HISTORY - Our history comprises of rule of Satavahana’s to Nizam’s and not Britishers. We cannot find our history and its freedom fighters role from primary to secondary education; instead, we are forced to study the histories of Seemandhra leaders and struggle of Potti Sree Ramulu for separate Andhra state, which is irrelevant to us. We want the people to know about our HISTORY.
9. We want our SELF-RESPECT - Our people were considered inferior, criticised and discriminated of language, festivals and education. The demands were even never considered. For e.g., pass marks of Hindi were reduced to 20 instead of 35 for 10th Standard examinations, as the people of Andhra were not proficient in Hindi but proficient in English, whereas, by the demand of Telangana people, English pass marks were not reduced, even though the Telangana people were not proficient in English.
10. We want our ADMINISTRATION - To address the demands, protect and safeguard the Rights of Telangana people.
 The only solution for all these demands is the formation of separate statehood, TELANGANA, with only the people of Telangana having full rights over the State administration.

Jai Telangana..!!! Jai Jai Telangana..!!!

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